...onto your computer monitor and keyboard. Literally. Following hot on the heels of the " Perl is a terrible language " post comes the reason why I had to re-learn Perl in the first place. I just barely released MyProBB 2.3 . It took nearly two months to get this release ready. 1.4 months of that 2 months consisted of writing a single plugin for the forum. What follows is the shamelessly copied portion of text from the MyProBB 2.3 announcement post : --------------- [This plugin is] perhaps the best little gem to hit the Internet since AJAX-driven websites, er, Google... The Official Instant Message plugin . Yup. That's right. I single-handedly hold the distinction of having the first web software package that sends Instant Messages. I hold the distinction of being the first to send IMs to five major IM networks from a web forum. I also hold the distinction of having the only web forum software package that sends real Instant Messages. I even hold the distinctions of hav...
Here you will find all sorts of great information or rants, whichever, about the software industry, products I use, and tips.
If you find a nifty piece of software you think I should be using, forward it to me in the comment of the latest post.