When most people hear the word "poison" they immediately conjure up bad things in their mind from some weird crime drama that they watch on TV. DNS cache poisoning (or spoofing) is generally considered a bad thing because it means that a domain name is resolved to the "wrong" IP address. It is usually used in terms of an attacker that gains access to a DNS host to deliver the wrong responses to DNS requests or intercepts and alters responses to requests, which then points the client at the wrong IP address. DNS cache poisoning, however, can be used for a few positive, legitimate things. Let's say you want to relaunch a website on a different web host. To do this, you could develop it locally and then upload the files when you are finished to the new host and switch DNS over and watch it break spectacularly. But if you want to get a relaunch 95% right, you need to see the new website before DNS is switched over. To do this, DNS cache poisoning comes to th
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