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Showing posts from June, 2016

Elegant iptables rules for your Linux web server

You've just upgraded to your first VPS or dedicated server and you think you've got all the software bits in place (LAMP stack and all that) OR you've moved from a hosting provider with easily configured hardware firewalls. Now you've read something somewhere that says you need 'iptables' rules with your new host. If you have any friends who manage Linux systems, you've also heard that "iptables is hard." In my experience, the only thing hard about iptables is that no one seems to publish decent rulesets and users are left to figure it all out on their own. It doesn't have to be that way! Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install iptables-persistent RedHat/CentOS: chkconfig iptables on That installs the iptables persistent package/enables storing iptables so that they load during the next boot. Ubuntu/Debian: /etc/iptables/rules.v4 /etc/iptables/rules.v6 RedHat/CentOS: /etc/sysconfig/iptables /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables Those editable

The most interesting bug in PHP

The most interesting bug in PHP is the showstopper bug in the core of PHP you finally run into after a month of software development just as you are getting ready to ship a brand new product out the door. Specifically, PHP bug #72333 , which is in all current versions of PHP. If you aren't familiar with reading C code, it can be extremely hard to follow along with that bug report especially since PHP streams behind-the-scenes are ugly beasts to try to wrap your head around (mine's still spinning and I wrote the bug report). In short, the problem is a combination of non-blocking mode with SSL sockets when calling SSL_write() with different pointers in 'ext\openssl\xp_ssl.c'. The temporary patch in userland is to disable non-blocking mode when writing data - if you can - I'm not so sure I can/should. The correct solution is to fix PHP itself by altering how it interfaces with OpenSSL, which could be as simple as altering a couple of lines of code. I'd su