This post is also known as "Your computer could be a chemistry experiment waiting to happen". In my previous post on how to buy a computer , I briefly covered what to do when you receive a new computer but focused much more heavily on the topic of how to actually go about buying a computer. In this post, I will cover what to do before you use the computer for the first time to make sure what was built and sent to you is actually a quality product. You spent good money, let's make sure that no one cut corners where they shouldn't have and that all the parts are indeed correct. This first part requires you to be static free. First, pull the computer out of the box. Now go touch a doorknob while grounded. Now, read the computer manual for opening up the box and follow the directions. Usually thumbscrews or screwless entry is used these days making it easy to open it up. Yes, it is scary, but opening the box won't void the warranty or service contract. The computer wo...
Here you will find all sorts of great information or rants, whichever, about the software industry, products I use, and tips.
If you find a nifty piece of software you think I should be using, forward it to me in the comment of the latest post.