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Showing posts from June, 2012

How to calculate Password Strength (Part III)

This is the conclusion to a three part series on calculating password strength using a brand new algorithm that I've been teasing about for a while. Read Part I and Part II for the earlier bits to this story. If you are a programmer and just want the tl;dr nitty-gritty (i.e. the source code to my algorithm), then you will need to download the SSO Server and Client and extract the code from 'server/support/functions.php'. The two relevant functions are: SSO_GetNISTNumBits($password, $repeatcalc = false); SSO_IsStrongPassword($password, $minbits = 18, $usedict = false, $minwordlen = 4); The algorithm I developed essentially attempts to break a password in an optimal amount of time (less than 1/4 sec). But how does one do that? The first step is to calculate the entropy of the password. NIST has done some work in this regard but they only published a set of suggestions not actual recommendations. The next step is to apply a threshold at some acceptable bit le...

The correct way to validate an e-mail address

If you are using regular expressions, in general and not just e-mail, you are Doing It Wrong(TM). Every single time I've ever seen preg_match() or the equivalent function in another language used, not just for e-mail addresses, I know that the code in that location is wrong. The regular expression will miss something important and either be too strict or not strict enough. This is especially true for e-mail address validation. I have yet to find a circumstance where a regex pattern match is a valid solution. It acts as a blacklist and blacklists are constant maintenance nightmares. Regular expression string replacement, however, acts as a simple whitelist. preg_match() = bad, preg_replace = good. But preg_replace() is not what programmers use to validate e-mail addresses nor is it a good idea. The correct way to validate an e-mail address is to do exactly what the RFCs say to do: Implement a state engine that parses the address one character at a time using the complex ...

LinkedIn, eHarmony, and Last.FM hacked - How to not be the next victim

If you have been following the news lately, you know that business social media giant LinkedIn, the popular dating site eHarmony, and the used-to-be-popular-before-the-merger music site Last.FM were hacked and part or all of their databases were stolen and passwords cracked. This is what happens if you are a beginning programmer who writes a login system. These sites were mentioned in the news because they are larger data breaches, but there are thousands of compromised sites every day that you don't hear about. Don't be next. Instead of authoring a login system, you should be using a product written by someone who has spent the time researching industry best-practices and carefully and painstakingly crafted each aspect of a modern login system. That is an enterprise-grade, Single Sign-On system (written in PHP, but the client is portable to other languages). I'd mention other products but, as of the time of this writing,...