Let's say you import a library from Visual Studio 2012 or later into your project in an older version of Visual Studio (e.g. Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010) but now get linker errors: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ___report_rangecheckfailure referenced in function ... error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ___report_rangecheckfailure ... Sad day. Especially since you don't really get a say in how that library is being built. Your options are: Upgrade your version of Visual Studio. That includes going through the whole project upgrade cycle. We know how well that usually goes. Recompile the library yourself. Sad day turns into sad week. Hack it. The function __report_rangecheckfailure() is called when the /GS compiler option is used. The option enabled buffer overflow security cookie checking, which, in this day and age, is a good option to have enabled. Unfortunately, that causes problems with older versions of Visual Studio. Let...
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